-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- An entity known as "Matts Kallioniemi" <matts@pi.se> wrote something like:
Sure, but we were really discussing Ecash(tm), not accounting. To quote from the FAPI:
/* An EC_Amount is a signed 32-bit integer. It represents an amount * of money in units of the coinage's base value. */
Note "units of the coinage's base value". The coinage's base value could be 0.000000007 Lira if the bank so desired. Unfortunately since the largest EC_Amount in the API is 2^31, you wouldn't be able to buy much with coins of that type. :-) It is more likely that the coinage's base value will be 0.01 U.S. Dollars or 0.0001 U.S. Dollars or something on that order. If a need arises for a greater range of values, the Ecash(tm) API can be easily extended by using a larger int for EC_Amount. Regards, Bryce -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2i Comment: Auto-signed under Unix with 'BAP' Easy-PGP v1.1b2 iQB1AwUBMaRrokjbHy8sKZitAQGeVAMAqKcDlnOlHH+HF98aK6M75AelWFMtw36z tyRGlKp04jLtbmzL634ojoH+3zf+FyQvz+1pQCJw2sgkBChD0vsxomP/dqb2UXYK RPEBjAchsw8TU4xuq/yunB4j4RNoru9q =gNIJ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----