On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Reese wrote:
At 07:18 AM 22/09/00 -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
On 21 Sep 2000, Craig Brozefsky wrote:
Considering the current situation, and the contant referrals to it as Capitalism, I wonder how useful this definition really is.
Who refers to capitalism as socialism? If they equate these two polar concepts then this indicates the speaker doesn't have a clue.
Learn to read. Craig Brozefsky MayOrMayNot be full of it, but you've just castigated him for something he _did not_ say. Sometimes, I wonder why I bother.
Take your own advice stupid. What part of 'referals to it as Capitalism', where 'it' is communism do you not understand? None of it? I figured. ____________________________________________________________________ He is able who thinks he is able. Buddha The Armadillo Group ,::////;::-. James Choate Austin, Tx /:'///// ``::>/|/ ravage@ssz.com www.ssz.com .', |||| `/( e\ 512-451-7087 -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- --------------------------------------------------------------------