On-line versions appear to be available at this site as well as means to buy it. http://www.nap.edu/bookstore/enter2.cgi?0309056977 For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information by: Committee on Maintaining Privacy and Security in Health Care Applications of the National Information Infrastructure, National Research Council ISBN 0-309-05697-7; 1997, 288 pages "...This book makes practical detailed recommendations for technical and organizational solutions and national-level initiatives. For the Record describes two major types of privacy and security concerns that stem from the availability of health information in electronic form: the increased potential for inappropriate release of information held by individual organizations (whether by those with access to computerized records or those who break into them) and systemic concerns derived from open and widespread sharing of data among various parties. The committee reports on the technological and organizational aspects of security management, including basic principles of security; the effectiveness of technologies for user authentication, access control, and encryption; obstacles and incentives in the adoption of new technologies; and mechanisms for training, monitoring, and enforcement...."