at 18 i planned to live the tahoe hippie life forever one day i felt compelled i knew it i just had to leave i packed up my car and moved to the central coast
grant and i listened and danced to his music on valentines day
if you eat like this people will give you crap because its so not trendy anymore but if it will help a woman who would do anything to ovulate and conceive do that (and i know personally quite a few that this was the key for) then who cares what anyone says and jennifer aniston doesnt eat carbs so there
this week i am getting all my ducks in a row so that this weekend i can hole up and sew myself some desperately needed skirts for church and summer
i know some people dont love the whole valentines thing but it is so fun to me i dont care if the greeting card company made it up- any day where i get to be pretty treated with sweetness have a declicious dinner and some romance is right on in my book
what a few hours on a sunny day can do for you
my problem dear anne is that it is 2009 kids dont like to get all fussied up anymore and i dont think they would go to the trouble of making up stories about lost broaches to be able to go to a silly church picnic in my mind the little girls are wearing spring dresses and holding parasols with their gloved hands while the boys are eating biscuits and drinking homemade rootbeer with their hats and suspenders on but i live in a dreamland where i want everything stylized i know you understand me anne
i couldnt find a video of him performing it but listen to the lyrics
what do you look for in a best friend
when cate is too scared to go downstairs penny will go with her and everything is all right she lets cate dress her up for weddings or try to ride her or pull her by the tail almost daily and even knowing the torture she will soon endure she gets so excited when cate gets home from school
we gave the universe one out- if grant found a job he loved before springtime wed stay put even though we wanted to go to cali really bad and even though grant had been looking for a different job for a long time
i am given glimpses of the why and the good and the reasons and the plan the bigger picture and the necessity for some to not fit the mold
im loving babies & mamas sunshine happy rooms and cool colors
i have been laying in bed sick since monday it seems to be getting worse by the day not better i am so irritated and antsy i miss my family and i want to clean my house
me 1982
i do have one faithful companion who is braving the germs penny the pug russell
goal peaceful nights productive days
but we feel more blessed and amazed than ever at lifes unexpected twists and turns and how happy we are that there is a loving heavenly father that understands the little picture we have in our minds for our lives and gently and lovingly helps us change our vision to a masterpiece i really love life
with that heres the stuff i eat salad with chicken a different salad with chicken repeat repeat this is the hard thing about it not a ton of delicious options im kind of kidding ive found a few other yummy things too
isnt life surprising i was laying awake thinking last night about how different my life has gone then what i thought (in a good way)