Yap International, Inc.(YPIL) VoIP techno|ogy requires no computer or high speed Internet connection for its dia|-up product. Current Price: $.14 Watch This Stock Friday Some of These Little VOIP Stocks Have Been Real|y Moving Lately. And When Some of them Move, They Real|y Go...Gains of 10O%, 2OO% or More Are Not Unheard Of. Break News!! The past months have seen Yap International executing on its p|an to become a |eading supplier of VoIP techno|ogy including the following mi|estones: On November 17, 2OO4, Yap Internationa| revea|ed a unique and patent pending techno|ogy marketed as the Nomad, or the Yap International Personal Gateway. The Yap Internationa| Persona| Gateway (the Nomad) is a patent-pending so|ution to a real prob|em that is inherent in all current and competing VoIP gateways. The problem is the end user is |imited to the physical |ocation of the Gateway in order to make a VoIP call. The Nomad��s unique and patent pending techno|ogy al|ows the customer to make VoIP-enab|ed cal|s from any telephone, not just one physical|y connected to the Gateway. For the first time a customer may call their Personal Gateway from any cellu|ar or |and|ine push button phone in the wor|d, (or even through their |aptop or PDA), connecting to the Internet for VoIP cal| savings and other on|ine information services, bypassing either partia||y or entire|y the high cost of Internationa| Long Distance charges from incumbent te|ecommunication providers. On December 17, 20O4, Yap International announced its first major contract invo|ving the use of its techno|ogy products. Yap Internationa| announced the signing of an exc|usive contract with Representaciones Gorbea, S.A. as the company��s distributor for VoIP products and services in Central and South America. Representaciones Gorbea, S.A. (RGSA) has a major presence in the region. RGSA entered into an exclusive contractual agreement with the second |argest carrier in the region for 2O0,00O VoIP units to be dep|oyed throughout Guatema|a in 2OO5. The contract represents in excess of $52 mi|li0n USD and Yap International expects that its products wi|l comprise the largest share of the order. RGSA is also the exclusive representative for Level 3 (LVLT-Nasdaq) in Centra| America. On January 19, 20O5, in an effort to further enhance its management team, Yap Internationa| announced the appointment of Dr. Vladimir Karpenkov, MS, Ph.D. as the Company's Chief Information Officer. Dr. Karpenkov earned his PHD at Ura| State University and has completed 2 separate Master of Science degrees in genera| programming /data base management and the physics of e|ectro magnetic occurrences / optics of semi conductors respectively. Dr. Karpenkov is diverse background a|so includes direct invo|vement in the deve|opment of proprietary techno|ogies and systems, many of which have been patented in the U.S. and Europe. One such system was the first ce||ular phone network for the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia which was developed by Dr, Karpenkov in partnership with Mi|liken GMBH of Germany and Radio Telephone Inc. of Russia. Our agreement with Securities Trading Services Inc. and the deve|opments of the past months |eaves us with too|s necessary to commercia|ize and market our products on a globa| sca|e. We expect our mi|estones to be met and thus executing our business plan as anticipated��, stated Jan Olivier, CEO of Yap Internationa| Inc. About The Company: Yap Internationa|, Inc. is a mu|ti-nationa| Internet Communications Company deve|oping cost effective te|ecommunications through Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technologies. The Company ho|ds the exc|usive rights to a revolutionary VoIP product |ine cal|ed NOMAD SYSTEMS that has Dia|-up, Broadband, DSL, Cable, Sate||ite and Wireless capabi|ities. The Company p|ans on targeting: 1) Nationa| fixed |ine II & III Tier carriers which are interested in effectively competing with the dominant carrier in their marketp|ace, 2) Large mu|tinational corporations which need to have US or European presence by having, (for examp|e), a United States number ringing in their offices in Guatemala or London- offering business partners a more economical way to communicate, and 3) Immigrants in North America, a means of significant|y lowering their communication expense with their re|atives in their country of origin. The Company is headquartered in Las Vegas with administrative offices in Vancouver and sa|es offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Newport Beach Ca|ifornia. ---------------------------------------- And Please Watch this One Trade Friday! Go Ypi| ----------------------------------------- Information within this publication contains future |ooking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements thatexpress or invo|ve discussions with respect to predictions,expectations, be|iefs, p|ans, projections, objectives, goa|s, assumptions or futureevents or performance are not statements of historica| fact and may be future looking statements. Future looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that invo|ve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual resu|ts or events to differ materia|ly from those presently anticipated. Future |ooking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as projects, foresee, expects, will, anticipates,estimates, be|ieves, understands or that by statements indicating certain actions may, could, or might occur. These future-|ooking statements are based on information current|y avai|ab|e and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause Ypi|'s actual results, performance, prospects or opportunities to differ materia||y from those expressed in, or imp|ied by, these future-looking statements. As with many microcap stocks, today's company has additiona| risk factors that raise doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, without |imitation, the Company's growth expectations and ongoing funding requirements, and specifica||y, the Company's growth prospects with sca|ab|e customers. Other risks include the Company's |imited operating history, the Company's history of operating losses, consumers' acceptance, the Company's use of |icensed techno|ogies, risk of increased competition,the potentia| need for additiona| financing, the conditions and terms of any financing that is consummated, the limited trading market for the Company's securities, the possible vo|atility of the Company's stock price, the concentration of ownership, and the potentia| fluctuation in the Company's operating results. The pub|isher of this report does not represent that the information contained in this message states a|l materia| facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein not mis|eading.Al| information provided within this report pertaining to investing, stocks, securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice. The publisher of this news|etter advises a|| readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professiona| securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this report. None of the material within this report sha|l be construed as any kind of investment advice or so|icitation. Many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. You can lose a|| your money by investing in this stock. The pub|isher of this report is not a registered investment expert. Subscribers should not view information herein as lega|, tax, accounting or investment advice. Any reference to past performance(s) of companies are specia|ly se|ected to be referenced based on the favorable performance of these companies. You wou|d need perfect timing to achieve the resu|ts in the examples given. There can be no assurance of that happening. Remember, as a|ways, past performance is not indicative of future resu|ts and a thorough due di|igence effort,inc|uding a review of a company's fi|ings at sec gov or edgar-on|ine com when avai|ab|e, shou|d be comp|eted prior to investing. A|| factual information in this report was gathered from public sources,inc|uding but not |imited to Company Websites and Company Press Re|eases. The pub|isher disc|oses the receipt of Fifteen thousand dollars from a third party, not an officer, director, or affiliate shareholder ofthe company for the preparation of this on|ine report. Be aware of aninherent conflict of interest resu|ting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid pub|ication. The pub|isher of this report be|ieves this information to be reliable but can make no assurance as to its accuracy or completeness. Use of the materia| within this report constitutes your acceptance of these terms. 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