Damian Gerow wrote:
Actually, Mr. Gore didn't once claim to invent the Internet. Through various mis-wordings and lax fact-checkings, the Mass Media came to represent what he said through that phrase.
What he /actually/ claimed (and what he /actually/ did) was recognize its importance, and then push for funding, in the 1980's. So he didn't 'invent' the Internet, he helped provide the funding for its inventors.
Yeah so what? I still wouldn't want to vote for him (except as a vote against Shrubbya) Al's prise pig of a wife, Tipper, helped found the PMRC against lyrics in songs. See Megadeth's Hook in Mouth for details on this censorious organization: http://www.songlyrics4u.com/megadeth/hook-in-mouth.html and http://www.geocities.com/fireace_00/pmrc.html for details about the PMRC.