31 Aug
31 Aug
11:59 a.m.
http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=200859&group=webcast Lots of geek shite,enjoy! Meantime in meatspace... CHIAPAS.Two campesinos from EZLN support bases were assassinated by paramilitary groups in the morning of August 25 in ranchería Amaytik at the independent municipality Olga Isabel. The newspaper La Jornada has reported on the previously announced assassination of two Zapatistas in the Ricardo Flores Magón Autonomous Municipality. The 'official' version, released on August 26 by the State Prosecutor's Office, and widely refuted by residents of the area, is that it was due to an infamous "family" dispute http://www.indymedia.org/index.php3?newswire=open