What are your grounds for restricting the rights of your neighbors to contract with Mexicans or whoever else they care to? Buy, sell, hire, rent, etc.
On Thu, 20 Nov 1997, William H. Geiger III wrote:
When you have +1,000,000 Mexicans comming across the boarder a year that is called an Invasion. When the Federal Government refuses to defend the boarders and forces the citizens of the states to aid in this invasion this is called Treason.
After all it is *very* important to have the Federal Government defend boarders against exploitation by their landlords! :-) Seriously though. Getting all emotionally tied up in concepts like "defending the borders" and "forcing" citizens to "aid in this invasion" may sound good, but whose land is it anyway? I don't own a single acre, not even a single square foot of land in the entire southwestern/western part of the North American continent. What gives the hoodlums in Washington, D.C. the right to draw a line on a map and try to control people's travel across that line? ___________________________________________________________________ Jon Galt e-mail: jongalt@pinn.net website: http://www.pinn.net/~jongalt/ PGP public key available on my website. __________________________________________________________________