From: Al Qaeda[SMTP:alqaeda@fbi.gov] Subject: military pornography
"According to the military briefing Sgt. Holt received when she arrived, any visible skin below the neck is considered pornography."
And we're defending these Saudi pig-fuckers?
A guy in my office served as a reserve medic in Saudi during our War to Defend Cheap Gasoline. One night, they had to make up papers to get a female Marine onto a medical transport out of the country on zero notice - she had - in public - worn her uniform with the sleeves rolled up in the proper military manner. A religious cop hit her with his cane. Hitting a US Marine with a stick is not smart thing to do. She took the cane and gave him drubbing. Within hours she was out of the country, on 'medical' grounds. Her health was at stake - the Saudis wanted to have her executed. For all that we (with justification) worry about the USG's penchant for killing it's citizens in cold blood, the governments of Saudi and Singapore kill their citizens at 10x the rate of the US. Peter Trei