Dear Associate, My name is Garnet Jackson. We may have communicated in some way in the past or you are on a Safe Opt In List and your e-mail address is on my database. There are THREE kinds of people. There are people who own a home based business, people who had one, but quit, and people who are neither in one or who have never been in one...yet. You may be saying to yourself right at this moment, "Who do you think you are? I don't need a home-based business! I make great money now and I'm way too busy as it is." I submit that it's time to reconsider!. ;^) If you already make great coin, you need a home-based business purely for the write offs. It's also possible that your current state of income ecstasy could change at any moment. Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are gonna get!!! Planning is the accessible program for anyone to reach financial independence. Plan to make extra. Plan to save extra. Plan for unexpected catastrophes. What you don't need is a ball and chain. I'm talking about old-school home-based businesses that make a lot of false promises. Many opportunities sell you on spending more time at home with your family when in reality they take you away more often. If that was your image of home-based business, I would join you in your denial of my prophecy. If I told you that you could turn a $99.00 investment into a 7 figure income in 1 year, you probably would not believe it! But what if I could show you step by step how it is done? Would you be willing to take the time to review the program? You will be Amazed at how simple it is! And this is just the beginning...You will be in a position to earn more than you ever imagined because...OUR PRODUCT IS PROFIT!!! We are NOT a new MLM Company! We are NOT a downline club! You will NOT represent any Products or Services! We are a Group of like minded individuals interested in MAXIMIZING PROFIT from existing legitimate businesses. We put the Companies and their Compensation Plans to work for US!! We use a brilliant, yet simple concept to capitalize on the absolute best pay plans in the industry! You will never be frustrated by an MLM company again!! You will be in the driver's seat!! LET US SHOW YOU THE MONEY!!! NOW, for the first time anywhere, you can take advantage of our incredible system for a ONE TIME $99 OUT-OF-POCKET COST ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD AND GET STARTED RIGHT AWAY! AND...If that isn't exciting enough for you, we'll throw in our EXCLUSIVE "ROADMAP" to YOUR Success which will take you STEP-BY-STEP through our exciting system to lead you to a SEVEN FIGURE INCOME IN ONE YEAR OR LESS! THIS IS ABOUT MONEY and this is REAL IF YOU WANT IT! HOW AND WHERE TO GET IT NOW! A New Alternative to the JOB = (Just Over Broke)! Let me give you a little idea. SELLING PRODUCTS AND SERVICES HAVE BEEN WASTING YOUR TIME! And I'M WILLING TO BET THEY HAVEN'T MADE YOU THE KIND OF MONEY YOU HAD HOPED FOR, EITHER. SO I'm going to tell you a shocking concept that is going to rock your world! FORGET SELLING PRODUCTS AND SERVICES! FORGET ALL THE HYPE YOU'VE BEEN CONDITIONED TO BELIEVE AND START PROMOTING PROFIT AS IN $$$ Find 2 who Get 2 and follow you through an incredible money-making system. No massive groups! No stress! Forget the BUILDING mentality we have all been brainwashed on, folks! We are talking about TWO PEOPLE HERE! THAT'S RIGHT TWO PEOPLE WHO GET TWO PEOPLE!! WHEN THESE 2 FOLLOW YOU THRU THE 7 STEPS OF OUR PROGRAM...... ...YOU MAKE BIG $$$ ....AND THAT'S JUST THE BEGINNING!!!!!! AND I'LL SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN GENERATE A VERY LARGE RESIDUAL INCOME WITH ONLY 60 PEOPLE IN YOUR ENTIRE ORGANIZATION!!! Wouldn't that create Security for your precious loved ones by eliminating the burden of debt! If you can't do this you are in the wrong business. Keep your JOB and make your Boss rich! Contact me when you're ready to really make money that makes a difference! You'll be proud of what you are doing. Naturally you'll be wanting more information, so send a blank email to <actionj@mail.com> with 'SEND ME THE MANUAL' in the subject and your FIRST AND LAST NAME so I can address you properly. Garnet Jackson If you would like to remain on my database and have the occasional information or program details sent to you please do nothing. Should you wish to never receive mail from me again please click reply, put -REMOVE A-04- in the Subject and I will remove you from my database.