On Tuesday, November 20, 2001, at 05:12 PM, Faustine wrote:
5) Gold makes women sleep with you. I don't know why they like it, but they do. They sleep with you because of your large cattle herd only they have accepted abstracted value and settle for gold or stocks... Not all women are golddiggers. I happen to think any woman who marries for money or sleeps around for gifts and dinners is worse than a whore. As the old saw goes, at least real prostitutes are honest about what
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 David wrote: George wrote: they're doing.
It might be more than just wealth these women are after. A man with fat herds, or a fat wallet can better provide for children than a man with a single battered old goat, or an empty wallet. And over emphasized secondary sexual characteristics might, at the subconscious level be linked with better child-producing abilities.
The only "abstracted value" I find really intriguing is the quality of a man's mind. Everything else is entirely beside the point. You have no idea how often I get hit on by so-called "attractive" men--and I'm quite proud to say I've never dated even one of them. I'd prefer a fat cranky old genius over a rich businessman or male model anyday!
You don't know how many men on this list you just gave hope to. -- Pain looks good on other people. It's what they're for. --Sisters of Mercy