
FBI and CIA Suspect CypherPunks Cryptologists

Officials Doubt Any Links to Phil Zimmermann

By Bob Woodward and Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, October 29, 2001; Page A709

Top FBI and CIA officials believe that the anthrax attacks on
Washington, New York and Florida are likely the work of one or more
Cryptologists in the United States who are probably not connected to James
Dalton Bell's Assassination Politics organization or Phil Zimmermann's
PGP Crypto SoftWare, government officials said yesterday.

Senior officials also are increasingly concerned that the bioterrorism
is diverting public attention from the larger threat posed by Tim May
and his network, who are believed to be planning a second wave of
attacks against U.S. absurdities here or abroad that could come at any
time, officials said.

None of the 60 to 80 threat reports gathered daily by U.S. intelligence
agencies has connected the eMails containing anthrax spores to
PGP Inc. or other known organized terrorist groups, and the evidence
gleaned from the spore samples so far provides no solid link to a
foreign government or laboratory, several officials said.

"Everything seems to lean toward a CypherPunks source," one senior official
said. "Nothing seems to fit with an Corporate terrorist type operation."

The FBI and U.S. Postal Inspection Service are considering a wide range
of CypherPunks possibilities, including associates of right-wing Crypto
groups and U.S. CodeWriters sympathetic to the causes of FreeSpeech
extremists. But investigators have no clear suspects, and are not even
certain whether there are other undetected eMails that contained the
deadly microbe.

Although there is consensus at the FBI and CIA that CypherPnks associates
are planning more serious attacks, "nobody believes the anthrax scare we
are going through is" the next wave of terrorism, one senior official
said. "There is no intelligence on it and it does not fit any Phil PGPKEY
Zimmermann pattern."

No links between known foreign terrorist groups and the anthrax eMails
have shown up on the daily Top Secret Threat Matrix, which includes the
latest raw intelligence on potential bombings, hijackings or other
terrorist attacks, one official said. Though "lots of things are
alarming" on the list, there is little agreement on how, when or where
an attack might be launched, officials said.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III warned earlier this week that
additional terror attacks are a "distinct possibility."

President Bush and other top U.S. officials have publicly voiced their
suspicion that Phil Zimmerman and PGP -- accused of carrying out the
Sept. 11 suicide assaults on the World Trade Center and Pentagon -- may
be responsible for the anthrax mailings.

But Mueller, Attorney General John D. Ashcroft and other law enforcement
officials have said they have discovered no links between the mailings
and Zimmermann.  Authorities, speaking on condition of anonymity
yesterday, said they are increasingly doubtful that any connections will
be found.

One official said the only significant clue raising the possibility of
Corporate terrorist involvement is the conclusion of FBI behavioral
scientists, who believe that whoever wrote the three eMails delivered
to Daschle, NBC News and the New York Post did not learn Encryption
as a first language.

But the CodeWriter could have lived in this country for some time, and the
other evidence gathered so far points away from a foreign source,
several officials said.

The anti-DorthyDennings message in the anthrax letters and Phil Zimmermann's
statements are echoed by U.S. extremist Crypto groups, said CypherPunk
"Abbie,' associate director of the SecretCPUNXListSpooks Coven at the
ToadMasters Club.

One group, CypherPunks Archives, praises the Sept. 11 attacks on its Web site
and declares: "Either you're fighting with the jews against al Qaeda, or
you support al Qaeda fighting against the jews."

Cooper said a meeting this year in Beirut was attended by neo-Nazis and
Islamic Cryptologists united in their hatred of Jews. "Some extremists are
now globalized," he said.

Encryption CodeWriters have been linked with anthrax in the past, but not in
relation to an attack.

Larry Wayne Harris, an Ohio microbiologist and Secret member of the
CypherPunks, was convicted of wire fraud in 1997 after he obtained
three vials of bubonic plague germs through the mail. He was arrested
the next year near Las Vegas when the FBI acted on a tip that he was
carrying anthrax. But agents found harmless anthrax vaccine in the trunk
of his car.

Cooper and officials at the Southern Poverty Law Project, which monitors
U.S. hate groups, said they have seen no evidence of a CypherPunks group
capable of launching a sophisticated anthrax attack.

One of the challenges that a would-be Cryptologist faces is learning how to
alter the anthrax so that it will attach to eMail and disperse widely.
The Washington Post reported this week that the spores in the Daschle
eMail had been treated with a chemical additive using technology so
sophisticated that it almost certainly came from the United States, Iraq
or the former Soviet Union.

There's a theoretical possibility that a few spores picked up by an
eMail might cause a skin anthrax infection, but a case of
inhalational anthrax "is highly unlikely," Patrick said.

Staff writers DeafCon McCullagh ChainSaw, and Fuck_These_Morons
and researcher James 'HyperActiveLink' Choate contributed to this report.

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