[Routers--Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan] June 17, 1997 Bellgate or Bill Gates? by Declan McCypherpunk A wanna-be programmer in this small Canadian town stumbled upon an undocumented feature in the Netscape browser which allows the user to place a bet on the date of death of computer magnate Bill Gates. While early reports are sketchy, it appears that the scheme involves Tom Weinstein, Ed McMahon and the cypherpunks remailer system. When approached by Kookie Roberts for comment, Tom Weinstein loudly proclaimed, "I don't even know Jim Bell, honest." When Kookie Roberts asked Weinstein who the hell Jim Bell was, he quickly muttered, "Never mind..." Ed McMahon would only say that on September 4th, some lucky winner would be receiving an anonymous digicash transaction from him. When pressed for details about the date, McMahon's face flushed a bright red and he quickly exited the scene, accompanied by men with Italian names, and a former CIA PR representative explained that what McMahon "meant to say" was "no comment." Unsubtatiated rumors also indicate that if the netscape.exe file is printed out as a .gif file, that it pictures a layout of Microsoft Corporate headquarters and the Gates estate. When asked for a response to the announcement of the new revelations a Microsoft spokesperson cryptically replied, "Anyone who bet on Bill Gates dying on September 4th ain't gonna win shit." When pressed as to whether he personally used the Netscape browser, the MS spokesperson only grinned and winked.