Dear Northern Light Customer, I have had the personal privilege of hearing from many of you over the past five years regarding the many different ways you have benefited from our search and content services. So it is with gratitude and hope that I share with you the new direction that Northern Light is taking today. As of January 16, 2002, NorthernLight.com is discontinuing free public access to our Web search in order to focus on delivering authoritative and timely news and archive content that you can rely on. We are refining our business to focus more exclusively on the needs of business researchers and enterprise customers. I hope you find that this change makes NorthernLight.com an even more valuable resource for your research requirements, as we simplify our service by reducing the clutter, including the advertising distractions. As consumers of quality research content, you may be wondering what this change means to you. I am pleased to inform you that our Special Collection will continue to be available for free searching and pay-per-view access from Northern Light's Web site. And in the very near future, we will be introducing a consumer subscription option to our customers, allowing you to download 50 documents per month for a small monthly fee. In addition, advanced search forms, real-time news, Search Alerts, and Special Editions will still be available at no cost to NorthernLight.com visitors. If you are interested in learning more about becoming an enterprise customer, with access to Web search, flat-rate content packages for the corporate desktop, customized usage tracking, and numerous other enterprise benefits, please contact enterprise@northernlight.com, or call (800) 804-6533. Or you can read more about it here: http://www.northernlight.com/docs/acct_help_enterp.html Thank you for being with us through the years, and I hope you will continue with us for many more. Cordially, David Seuss, CEO Northern Light Technology, LLC ----- End forwarded message -----