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Generic Viagra
Value Drugstore

For the first time ever a generic equivalent to Viagra� is available. Generic Sildenafil Citrate (GSC-100) and Viagra� both consist of 100 mg of sildenafil citrate. GSC-100 is simply a generic version of Viagra� - just like ibuprofen is the generic name for Advil�.
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Dr. Ves Kiril, MD.
Director of Urological Services


100mg Sildenafil Citrate


100mg Sildenafil Citrate

Cost: As low as $5.00 US per 100mg tablet

$12.25 US per 100mg tablet
Physician Consultation:

Included in Pricing

$75.00 - $100.00 doctors visit
Convenience: 10 minute online consultation right now Up to 4 hours
Doctor visit: 1-3 hours
Pharmacy pickup: � - 1 hour
100% Money Back Guarantee: YES, the first drug ever to be guaranteed

Delivery: 1-2 days after payment verification - FREE SHIPPING

When can your doctor see you?


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Limited Time Offer: 15 pills for $119.00

Why pay twice as much when GSC-100 is
the same thing and is only a click away?


Copyright � 2002 Generic Viagra. All rights reserved.

100% Money Back Guarantee - The First Pharmaceutical to ever be guaranteed

Viagra� is a trademark of the Pfizer, Inc. and is not affiliated with Generic Viagra.