In Exchange Issue #440, JT wrote...
It's called the SirCam virus, and when it spreads, it sends an apparently random file from the harddrives of infected computers along with it. ANY file on your machine could be copied and sent to hundreds of other users.
I also have received both the virus and email on how to get rid of it. Luckily I don't open ANY attachments, unless I'm expecting them and then am still very careful. Here's the ways I was told to get rid of the thing: One Fix Tool: Download fix_sircam.com and run the file. It will scan Drive C:\ and subfolders and runs in DOS. http://www.antivirus.com/vinfo/security/fix_sircam.com Another Trojan Fix Tool http://www.sarc.com/avcenter/FixSirc.com The fix tool will run from your desktop and will "automatically" rid your computer from the SirCam Trojan and clean up an entries from your registry files. After running either fix tool -- reboot your system. Hope this helps! Richard homeaffiliate@mail.com
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