On 13 Aug 1998, HyperReal-Anon wrote:
our address that the mail is being sent to is: sysadmin@thegrid.net
The interesting fact here is that you all seem to have nothing better to do with your time than converse over something so petty as an address error..... I think you need to re-evaluate who the mental midgets are..... I would hope the future of our world isn't in the hands of such petty people such as yourselves...
we appreciate your mail but the volume is slightly overwelming for us to
handle.. sincerely, burke bryant
Take yourself off, you mental midget.
Come now. Is there any reason to insult midgets by comparing them to this guy? :)
Quite right. Most vertically-challenged individuals are upstanding members of society and of at least average intelligence. They don't deserve to be compared to this guy. :)
I would call him a moron, but then I'd be insulting morons.
Come on thake it easy on the guy at least he aint on AOL or somthing stuped.