Title: Netscape Netcenter News - May 1998 Welcome to Netcenter Netcenter is dedicated to the proposition that you should be able to find everything you need online in one place. This newsletter is one of the free benefits you receive for registering with a Netcenter program. Electronic commerce is creating one of the fastest growing marketplaces on the planet. Can small-scale entrepreneurs join the movement? Professional Connections Events Forum presents "E-Commerce and the Entrepreneur," featuring ZDNet's e-commerce expert Mitch Ratcliffe. Netscape proudly announces Netscape WebMail by USA.net, offering free web-based email accounts and value-added mail services, accessible from any computer across the globe. CNET honors Netscape Communicator with its Readers' Choice Award for Internet Excellence, noting that it far surpasses all other Net products and browser packages on the market. Enter to win a $5000 shopping spree from netMarket - the premier discount shopping club. Get guaranteed low prices and 5 percent cash back on purchases. This issue of Netcenter News is brought to you by the Netscape Store. NETCENTER EXPANDS BUSINESS CHANNEL WITH DEBUT OF NETSCAPE SMALL BUSINESS SOURCE Small Business Source is designed to provide small businesses with the latest news, information, and services online for managing and growing their businesses. Whether you simply use the Internet to conduct research or leverage it to run a business online, this unique, one-stop Internet destination provides the best and most current web-based content and services available to help small businesses succeed. Launched on May 11, Small Business Source provides visitors with a wealth of free information and resources as well as easy access to leading Internet-based business tools. Did you know that a hard drive crashes every 15 seconds? With Netscape Online Backup by Atrieva, you never have to worry about your data being safe. Need to communicate or collaborate with colleagues and clients more efficiently? With Netscape Virtual Office by Netopia, you can have your own web office up and running in minutes. All the resources you'll find in Small Business Source have been tailored to meet the needs of small businesses - from news provided by NewsEdge and content from the Mining Co. to special services from Amazon.com, Travelocity, and software.net. Small Business Source is the smart choice for growing your business. Visit it today! Want to get the latest version of Communicator? Upgrade now to Communicator 4.05, using SmartUpdate - the fast, easy, and personalized way to keep your software up-to-date. Need to get the message out ASAP? Get real-time communication with Netscape AOL Instant Messenger - just released for the Macintosh. Stores closed? Tired? Curious about shopping online? Try Netcenter Marketplace. Your one stop for great deals on books, music, travel, and much more. Thanks to everyone who took last month's small-business survey! Here is what you told us: 50 percent of you buy products online 28 percent of you sell products online 44 percent of you have a web page or home page for your company, while 56 percent have yet to make one the service you'd most like to see added to Netcenter is a contact manager This month, tell us what you'd like in an online community! Netscape respects your online time and Internet privacy. If you would prefer not to receive future issues, click here to to send an unsubscribe email or reply to this message with the word unsubscribe in the subject line. Copyright © 1998. Netscape Communications Corporation. All rights reserved.