* William Garland, the father of the late rap singer Tupac Shakur, fighting for part of Shakur's multi-million-dollar estate in Los Angeles in August, despite his having had no contact with his son after age five, pointed out at a hearing how he was a good father. For example, he said he would often tuck in little Tupac, a bed- wetter, with another Garland son, also a bed-wetter: "They could pee with each other." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEIRDNUZ.520 (News of the Weird, January 23, 1998) by Chuck Shepherd NEWS OF THE WEIRD, founded in 1988, is a nationally syndicated newspaper column distributed by Universal Press Syndicate. To receive the columns by e-mail, free of charge, send a message to notw-request@nine.org with the Subject line of Subscribe. To read these News of the Weird newspaper columns from the past six months, go to http://www.nine.org/notw/notw.html (That site contains no graphics, no photos, no video clips, no audio. Just text. Deal with it.)