17 Dec
17 Dec
6:17 p.m.
On Thu, 3 Jul 1997, Robert A. Costner wrote: [...]
I hate to see people doing such things with keyservers and keys, but we all knew the problem existed. I wonder where the solution is.
Well it all depeands on what you wish to do. A simple mail back authentacation schem would raise the barror to router and host spoofing. Haveing ISP's sign there users public keys would also help. Please excuse my spelling as I suffer from agraphia see the url in my header. Never trust a country with more peaple then sheep. Buy easter bilbies. Save the ABC Is $0.08 per day too much to pay? ex-net.scum and prouud I'm sorry but I just don't consider 'because its yukky' a convinceing argument