In any case, Dr. E, if you're still working on the 'exclude robots, include humans' problem and thinking about IQ tests, well, wow.
Hehehe, no, but that is a funny thought! I can use my fuzzy text to exclude robots from a site, but maybe I should also include a little IQ test to exclude inferior minds. That is a very good idea. I'll try to write up a little server that does that.
[1] I now have a house in Calif, no basement, furnace in the attic. Hopefully the foundation will float when the local clay "soil" liquefies next; our location wrt liquefaction isn't too bad, compared to northern angelos.
Here in my yurt in Antartica, obviously, I don't have a basement, and, following energy-saving sugestions on this list, I am heating the place with inner infolded electromagnetic free energy vacuum motors, and oh boy, if you don't adjust the thermostat right on those things, it can get pretty hot in here! Someone open a window! Oh wait, yurts don't have windows. Let's see, if I were writing the SAT analogy test, I would put: Inner infolded electromagnetic free energy :: Dilithium crystals as a) Cold fusion :: Heisenburg compensator b) Splitfire sparkplugs :: Female condom c) Thighmaster :: Tiger penis virility pills d) Miracle grow :: Miracle whip e) French :: Greek
[2] The SAT attempts to predict college performance not actual intelligence IIRC. IIRC it does so reasonably well. This too has been beaten to death.
That's right, the SAT is a Scholastic Aptitude Test, and is not by any means a cross-cultural IQ test. You need a certain IQ to do well in college, but good work habits, concentration and a good memory may be more important. I am currently working on a phd here at Antarctica U.