I really don't think that se7en just wants to censor the kiddie porn sites; I think he is on a personal vendetta (like McVeigh). He didn't call for anyone to support legislation and propose new, tough laws, but called for hackers to go after this particular target. On the net anyone is prey, remember; kiddie porn dealers not exempted. It's moot to discuss whether eliminating a few thousand digital images will make any difference on the availability/market desireability of these pictures (I expect these are all backed up somewhere, anyway, so destroying them probably wouldn't actually make much difference, but just anger the owners.) How many photos of real children arranged into sexual poses or imposed upon to perform sexual acts does it take to satisfy an addict? How many photos which are not duplicates do these people actually possess, and how many more do they seek to obtain? Is it the number of them, or the thrill of the "new"? That a certain number of these photos are in circulation may not be so important as the fact that they are "new" (to the person looking to get them). This means that having free circulation of large numbers of images may be beside the point (I am speculating and calculating based on almost total ignorance of the psychology of this type of individual). If these pedophiles just want to fantasize, I would offer they could get a package of Macromedia Freehand or Director and Photoshop and create their own. But that probably wouldn't be satisfactory to them. I expect there is something in the qualities and character of real children which draw them. But I digress. The subject was hacking at your own chosen target. Some people hack children's innocence; some people hack the hackers. Que sera' sera'. .. Blanc