TOTO ENTERPRISES is looking for C, C++, and Java programmers to write code designed to identify and categorize persons of Jewish extraction from a variety of government, public and private databases around the world. Applicants should be company-oriented individuals who have no qualms about writing code that contains no backdoors that would allow those who later worry about the use their creations are being put to access to the systems of those using those programs. No cryptography skills will be required of those applicants working in areas where U.S. exportable crypto is dominant. Applicants will be able to work from their homes, with only occassional trips to the Antarctic required. Applicants who can translate "We're from the government and we're here to help you." into several different languages will be given preference. Applicants who can translate "We're from the government and we're here to help you into the cattle-cars." into several different languages will automatically be given credit for applicable prior work experience. To receive an application by email, reply to this message with an empty message body, and a 'Subject' header of, "Mein Kamf." (True CypherPunks need not apply...)