17 Dec
17 Dec
11:17 p.m.
Mark Rogaski <wendigo@ne-wendigo.jabberwock.org> writes:
An entity claiming to be Tim May wrote:
: : (Personally, were I to be arrested and held on such false charges, I'd : consider it necessary to kill those who illegally held me. Preferably from : a safe distance, with a sniper rifle. But then I'm a right wing libertarian : whacko.)
Right wing, left wing, friggin' wingless ... the above comment still indicates a sociopath.
I agree. One of you two is a sociopath. Methinks you're pointing the finger at the wrong person. Reexamine your assumptions. When you reach a conclusion as grievously in error as the one above, one (or more) of them must surely be wrong. FingerPointingMonger