jamesd@echeque.com[SMTP:jamesd@echeque.com] wrote:
-- The evidence is now overwhelming that the anthrax attacks are connected to the 9/11 attack, and the current events in Afghanistan. However the Fibbies are still determinedly pushing the position that these attacks come from internal right wing terrorists.
If the anthrax attack is connected to the 9/11 attack, then the fibbies get to play errand boy for the CIA and military intelligence. If the anthrax attack is internal, then they are in charge and they get to spy on all us right wing extremist hate groups. [...]
What's this 'us' bit? Jim, I don't know what 'right wing extremist hate groups' you may belong to, but don't confuse such groups with the subscribers to this open mailing list, especially to third parties. This is not a 'group', and includes people from every part of the political spectrum. About the only thing that can be said to be in common among subscribers is that they think that crypto is in some way important. Peter Trei