On Fri, 20 Jun 1997, Tim May wrote:
Ah, you have cleverly rewritten the standard definition:
The Definition of the Strength of a Firewall is how many politicians one can put in front of it for summary execution before it crumbles.
Or as the great Marxist (Groucho) put it... "We put them up against the wall and pop goes the weasel!"
McCain, Kerrey, Hollings, et. al. are guilty of treason and should be put in front of that firewall forthwith.
You forgot Feinstien. (I know... You are trying to...)
(As a free citizen, I am free to say that any particular person has committed crimes deserving of execution. Despite what pseudo-lawyers often claim. I have never said I plan to kill McCain or Kerrey. An important difference. But they will surely pay for their crimes. Congress and Washington need a taste of their own vile medicine.)
Who said anything about wanting to kill them? A diced jalapeneo enema will not kill them. (Actually I am not sure of that. We will have to run a test... The debug process could take some time... ]:> ) alano@teleport.com | "Those who are without history are doomed to retype it."