REIMBURSEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF SPECTACLES FOR COMPUTER USE Following discussions over 2000 and 2001 new guidelines have come into operation for eyesight screening and optical correction for members who use screen-based equipment ("SBE"). Under the new guidelines any member who: operates SBE for an aggregate of two hours or more, inclusive of rest breaks, in any day or shift on a regular basis (more than 3 days per week); and / or has experienced or is experiencing visual discomfort as a result of using SBE; and / or works in critical areas; and / or may be required to use SBE intensively but not every day has the option of eyesight screening tests by a qualified Optometrist. If members want their eyes tested they should advise the Victoria Police Force ("the Force") first. They may take the tests: when they commence in the position which requires the use of SBE; and every two years thereafter; or where physical symptoms identified by the employee may indicate that a problem may exist. The Force will reimburse the cost of eyesight screening tests to a maximum or $23.40 and reimburse the cost of a full eye examination to a maximum of $46.55 if the screening test reveals a problem related to SBE use. Where the eyesight tests have revealed that an employee has suffered an eye problem specifically related to the use of SBE, and the member needs corrective eyewear the Force will reimburse members a maximum of $125 for the purchase of glasses. Reimbursement costs are to be reviewed annually. PAUL MULLETT Secretary