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Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 08:49:56 -0700 From: jimg@mentat.com (Jim Gillogly) Subject: Re: Clinton's fake apologies
In any case, despite these legalisms, I'm not convinced that perjury in any case should be considered treason or high crimes and misdemeanors. The Founding Fathers could have been more specific about what was impeachable, and they chose not to be, leaving it intentionally ambiguous.
What part of: High crimes and misdemeanors don't you understand? Oh, and it isn't 'high misdemeanors'... I figure it's the fact that 'principles' are involved that is confusing everybody, no room to move like there is with relativism. Bottem line, he held a public office, while in that office he should commit *NO* crime or else he should loose that office. There was no abmiguity there in the minds of the founding fathers and there shouldn't be in yours either. If this confuses you then take it as an indication that you have a axiomatic contradiction in your world view and need to rethink things in a serious way. As Jefferson said, if you hold a public office your public property. Nail the son of a bitch to the wall, he did the crime let him do the time. It's a pitty he doesn't have this sort of empathy for all those people he's put in jail for consensual crimes during his tenure. The man has a base double standard, let him pay for it. ____________________________________________________________________ The seeker is a finder. Ancient Persian Proverb The Armadillo Group ,::////;::-. James Choate Austin, Tx /:'///// ``::>/|/ ravage@ssz.com www.ssz.com .', |||| `/( e\ 512-451-7087 -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- --------------------------------------------------------------------