And it wouldn't have happened had the victorious superpowers decided the sand niggers in Palestine could be kicked off their land. (I have no beef with those Jews who peacefully bought land in Palestine prior to this mass resettlement.)
No doubt the Arabs were being given the shaft. First by the Ottomans (western lackys that they were) and then by the superpowers themselves after they could no longer hide behind a puppet regime. The Arabs didn't make things any better by refusing to accept any Jewish settlers, including those who had purchased land from first the Ottomans and then the Palestinians. The Palestinians had been told no harm would come to those of them who stood aside and warned if they fought or fled their lands they wouldn't be welcomed back. When it comes to nations, fairness has historically had little influence on such outcomes. In the end, all property belongs to those who can keep it (by whatever means are necessary). --Steve --------------------------------------------------------------------- reply to schear - at - lvcm - dot - com --- PGP mail preferred, see http://www.pgp.com and http://web.mit.edu/network/pgp.html RSA fingerprint: FE90 1A95 9DEA 8D61 812E CCA9 A44A FBA9 RSA key: http://keys.pgp.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=index&search=0x55C78B0D ---------------------------------------------------------------------