Cynthia H. Brown wrote:
- The female <mechanic / scientist / engineer>, in addition to passing the same exams as her male classmates, has probably had to put up with a fair load of B.S. questioning her right and ability to be there. The ones that keep at it long enough to graduate are the ones that *really* want to do whatever it is, and IMHO are more likely to try harder. - I wonder whether the garage owners have any preference. In my military experience (Signals officer), the (older male) sergeants and chiefs, when given a choice, preferred female radar / radio technicians to male because, in general, they were harder working, had thicker skins, and were more pleasant to deal with.
I love working with girls, regardless of the job. I personally prefer the ones who don't suck up to "the guys", and who don't subscribe to what society prefers girls should do or look like. Unfortunately, most offices won't hire them unless they conform in ways that I feel are offensive, so the really independent ones wind up mainly in low- paying jobs or going it alone (i.e., driving a truck). Nothing wrong with driving a truck, of course, but it would be nicer still if they could co-exist alongside males in the majority of workplaces without having to do female role-playing.