26 Apr
26 Apr
1:45 p.m.
At 05:41 PM 4/25/03 +0000, Justin wrote:
At 2003-04-25 16:31 +0000, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
But, Santorum needs to be tried & hung for what he meant.
Do you have plans to try and hang the Supreme Court Justices who upheld
Sodomy laws in Bowers v Hardwick?
Violating the constitution is treason. Only state actors can violate the constitution. Maybe we can send them to Manzanera for re-education.
What about the significant minority of Americans who'd completely agree with Santorum's remarks?
I don't care if its a *majority*, the Constitution trumps democracy. Democracy is merely mob rule. Its merely the easiest govt to sell to the proles. Unfortunately it leads to looting and ignoring the Constitution when its enforcers are swayed by popinion.