As a technological fix for spam, destination address hashcash seems to be lacking. All this does is raise the wall of entry into becoming a spamhause from one PC to say, ten. It is not much more difficult to sell a CD-ROM with one million email addresses & hashcash. A 20 second hashcash expenditure on one million email addresses will take about 231 CPU days, or about three weeks if you use ten machines. Sell 500 copies of the CD-ROM ^^^^^^^^^^ Hashcash has a double-spending database to prevent this -- one use and you've got to wait until it's out of the database (quite possibly a long time) before you can reuse it.
The implementation of the plan is a more or less impossible scheme.
Nyet. It can be phased in over time...people install the software, mailing lists warn their users to exempt them, and the big servers start asking for the hashcash, little servers pick it up. ...
privacy problems with warehousing with your ISP a list of your other email addresses, or the addresses of your postage free friends.
This's already been addressed.
Changes to the "Don't charge postage" database will be awkward.
Well, it wouldn't be much trickier than a Pine address book (few things are :) or a killfile. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Randall Farmer rfarmer@hiwaay.net http://hiwaay.net/~rfarmer