There's one mode (that I'm not going to post without asking the author first) that uses terminal-mode... however, pgp-2.2 had a feature added which should make it much easier to write one, namely it lets you specify that a key gets stuffed in via a file descriptor -- so you run pgp (using a pty, rather than a pipe), feed it the private key password, then the file, and it spits back the text (and other info.) I've been lazy, and haven't actually implemented it, but it's much cleaner than terminal mode (since you're trusting emacs with your key anyway, having it read the input isn't much of a problem, though I'd suggest a "limit coredumpsize 0" first :-) _Mark_ <eichin@athena.mit.edu> MIT Student Information Processing Board Cygnus Support <eichin@cygnus.com>