David Honig wrote:
rest assured, once the government stops doing so (e.g. by disappearing), corporations *will* start to raise armies of their own.
Hmm. Corporations are the equivalent of wealthy individuals. Nothing special about 'corps' as synthetics. So equivalent to, say, criticising a Mafia Don.
not quite on the first point, but the 2nd comes closer. the difference between individuals and corps is that the corp has far more assets and activities to protect and that it usually has more than one mind. every large corp is at least a little shizophrenic - look at IBM for a good example.
But yeah, everyone would have their own police if there were no common one. Hmm, That's an irony of anarchy, that it turns into a tessellation of police(d) microstates real quickly.
it' just a logical step. if robbing your electronics storehouse is no longer illegal because there's no law, or no government to enforce it, then you have to take steps yourself. I wonder whether taking over the government is economical. i.e. if the government were to disappear, would it be more cost-efficient for the corps to take over as rulers or to hire armies and only defend themselves?