R. A. Hettinga wrote:
At 4:57 PM -0800 12/9/03, Eric Murray wrote:
I pretty much agree with your views, minus the racism and misogny. On days that the brilliant thoughtful Tim posts, I'm in awe. When Tim the asshole posts, I'm disgusted. Unfortunately these days the latter Tim isn't letting the former Tim near the keyboard very often.
Fuck you dead. Fuck all of you Bolshies dead.
Ok, bye! <plonk>
Eric (just to make it crystal clear, Tim's going in my _personal_ killfile)
To quote a famous flying squirrel, that trick never works. Tried it myself a few times over the years, and one usually misses too much of what this list is for, as you noted yourself, above.
Truth, maybe unfortunate truth. Of the list mails I've bothered to keep locally, Tim's are a larger proportion than anyone else's.
Unfortunately, if you want to read Tim, you have to read his evil twin Skippy, too.
Living in *his* killfile, on the other hand, and if he actually uses it, can be useful. Try it, you'll like it.