From: Lizard <lizard@mrlizard.com>:
So, allying yourself with people who would gladly force *your* childen to
At 09:23 AM 11/5/97 -0500, Jodi Hoffman wrote: pray to *their* God doesn't bother you in the least. Fascinating.
=========== Interesting that you should mention this. I, like many other Jews, have finally noticed something about Christians.... Seems they're actually _more_ Jewish than Jews. At least they (Christians) try to follow the Ten Commandments,
But they've got the Sabbath on the wrong day. :) And they certainly worship power more than they worship God, which is a violation of #1. which is a hell of a
lot more than I can say for most every Jew I've ever known. Most Jews, other than Orthodox, self-identify as atheists and don't even know how to conduct a Passover service!
You follow the step-by-step instructions in the little blue Maxwell House book with all the Hebrew words transliterarted into english syllables. Duh! Unless you're Orthodox, being Jewish
is a joke. IMHO, claiming to be a Reform or Conservative Jew is the same as being "kind of" pregnant.
So, you're saying my formerly Greek Orthodox friend who converted to Judaism (and who I call up when I need to remember what holiday is what 'cause she knows this stuff better than me) and goes to the only synagogue in New York with a lesbian Rabbi isn't a good Jew? Or, for that matter, my entire family? (Concervative Jews, except for my Uncle who got 'born again' and is now a minister in Virginia or something. But he produced ample grandchildren, so he was forgiven.)
(bracing for fresh onslaught of anti-Semetic spears to be chucked)
Given the dominant number of Red Sea Pedestrians on this list, I doubt most of the comments can be classed as anti-semetic. Anti-Jodi, perhaps -- but unlike the Jews, you've earned every barb tossed at you.