May be a hoax. Most former NSAers don't advertise the fact. And the "Bert-and-bin-Laden" image as a seekret coded message? Hardly. -Declan On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 09:08:15PM -0000, Dr. Evil wrote:
Fascinating website. This may sound disturbing, but I must say, this terrorist was a pretty good painter if these really are his paintings. Mr. Koontz made some good points about the biological attack, but his thesis is predicated on the idea of yellow meaning sickness, and I'm not sure if it all ties together. For instance, one of the paintings clearly shows an Arabian horse struggling uphill into a field of yellow. Yellow in this case looks like peace or salvation. He also didn't pick up the image of a horse running up the rock being a reference to how Mohamed went to heaven, so there may be some other interpretations of these images.
I hope none of these plots will come to pass.