EDEPA SRL General Lavalle 4307 7600 Mar del Plata Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA Voice & Fax: (54) 23 89-7598 Dear Sirs: We are fish and seafood exporters of Argentinian origin, frozen fillets or whole. At this time we are able to offer the the following products: - Hake (Merlucius Hubbsi) - Whiting / Sea Trout (Cynoscion Striatus) - Hoki / Patagonian Grenadier (Macroronus Magellanicus) - Blue Fish (Pomatomus Salatrix) - Menhaden (Brevoortia Aurea) - Skate (Raja Flavirostris) - Corvine / Croacker (Micropogonias Furnieri) - Allis Shad (Prchilodus Platensis) If you wish to have any particular information about other products or about any other especial processing methods, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Eduardo Montuani edepa@argenet.com.ar