nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous) writes:
I can warmly recommend Cyberpass. Cyberpass does not censor political speech. They provide anonymous accounts to a considerable low price. The connection is telnet with a UNIX shell and SSH support. Cyberpass is a division of Infonex InterNet Services. They have a policy "Go and get a court order" which is very unusual. They already host the OSTARA domain www.ostara.org containing stupid nazi propaganda. Others I could mention are Concentric Network Corporation and Panix - Public Network Corporation and Webcom. http://www.cyberpass.net http://www.cris.com http://www.concentric.net http://www.webcom.com. I am sure there are others who do not censor. But these are those I trust most. Most ISPs are more concerned about pornography than hate speech.
Panix is extremely censorous. I know of at least 3 cases where they pulled plugs on their users because they didn't like the contents of their speech. (Many people here probably remember Fred Cherry - Panix pulled his plug for "homophobia".) chris.com pulled the plug on TRRJC3 (Igor's pal) because of content. I also wouldn't trust Lance Cottrell. He's selling privacy for the $$, not for the ideology; he'll bend over the moment he thinks there's more $$ in bending over, which is usually the case. Remember how Sameer Parekh's C2Net used to try to peddle a "privacy ISP" because he failed miserable and diversified into peddiling shitty software and making idiotic legal threats? He happily pulled plugs bases on content, while at the same time stating in court papers that he doesn't censor content. What a pathological liar. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps