At 01:55 PM 12/22/97 EST, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
David Honig <> writes: Perhaps the state shouldn't be in the business of providing library services to begin with; then there will be no 1st amendment issue, and if you don't like the censorware used by a private library, why, use another private library, or start your own.
(Nor would there be an issue with private libraries refusing service to readers who smell bad.)
Also, there wouldn't be librarians being crucified when some child finds some racy book. BTW, now that libraries lend videotapes, they directly compete with private chains that do so. ------------------------------------------------------------ David Honig Orbit Technology Intaanetto Jigyoubu "Windows 95 is a technologically complex product that is best left alone by the government..." ---MSFT Atty B. Smith