Yes. And note too that knowing where the congressthings are at any one time effectively gives any determined citizen something akin to veto power. -TD
From: "Major Variola (ret)" <> To: "" <> Subject: chipping the leaders Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2005 19:06:59 -0800
Hey...I'd definitely vote for requiring that all congresscritters and senators undergo a chipping and that their location should be
At 11:14 AM 12/7/05 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote: publically
available on the internet (say, via Google maps or whatever).
Absolutely. Reverse pan-opticonning. Easily done via blogging. In my district, the republic-whore Christina Shea got busted (and disqualified from being mayor of Irvine) for griping at the local PD when her live-in daughter got busted for methamphetamine. (She is skinny and talkative herself, draw your own conclusions).
Cryptome regularly publishes the information about the Privledged which they know about us. Any well-linked blogger (ie, NYT-class (snicker) author, ie any random yahoo) can do the same. Some dude in Wash state has shown that its perfectly legal to expose the state-sponsored scum in the same way (SSnos = beast indices, etc) that they have access to us. Some MIT folks have created the same social-network meshing software for the priveledged, which they use on us plebes. Don't know if that is kept current.
Digicams being so cheap, one should regularly surveil the ruling class, its part of democracy, albeit that is two foxes and a sheep deciding dinner.
"What do they have to hide"?
H2O2 30% + acetone, perhaps, with a little sulphuric acid, but only Feinstein knows for sure. Remember the ball bearings.
Moses was a WMD terrorist, and it worked.
Have a nice day.