17 Dec
17 Dec
11:17 p.m.
In a message dated 7/23/98 10:05:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ILovToHack writes: << << > they rule! In your ass, that is... pipe bombs rule how ever puting them there could be hazardous to your health # *i* __!__ I I Mr pipe bomb I I I I l_ _ _l To: chrisharwig@hetnet.nl Subject: Re: Pipe bombs r better From: ILovToHack@aol.com Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 22:05:06 EDT << > they rule! In your ass, that is... pipe bombs rule how ever puting them there could be hazardous to your health # *i* __!__ I I Mr pipe bomb I I I I l_ _ _l