Ok, I have finally decided that my remailer is ready for public use. I think I have finally worked all the bugs out of it enough so that it runs very smooth. In case you want to write something to me... Here is my *own* PGP key. Rajesh (Rusty) Babani - babani@cs.buffalo.edu -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.1 mQCNAislEwoAAAEEAKpPvevD7zlGmpbB9nYhqJghthanWvfoQlKXPa/sJe6B+Ztt lbCVcLHZ4IpQfmcZ0hZqsKjQRunRFk1pT4woQsDSHJjax80xnrUwaLkPTOADahay FCQ6+NqV/7vWLR/XaJ7wxTGwtoCi/69jOfidKIj1HY6cpnImue7qIk/4gBkDAAUR tC1SYWplc2ggKFJ1c3R5KSBCYWJhbmkgPGJhYmFuaUBjcy5idWZmYWxvLmVkdT4= =wZaf -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- The address where I am running an anonymous remailing server based on Eric Hughes' perl scripts is: <babani@cs.buffalo.edu> To use the server, put "Request-Remailing-To: <destination-address>" into the header of the message, and send it to the server address. If your mailer won't let you put things into message headers, instead make the first line of your message body be just the two characters "::", and make the next line be "Request-Remailing-To: <destination-address>", and make the next line be blank. The "::" tells the remailer to take the following lines, up to a blank one, and put them into the header. Also, make sure that you include a subject: line in your message, otherwise, the messge will be sent to a black hole. You will not hear from the message again. To use PGP with the remailer, first compose a message like above then encrypt the message using the remailer's public key. Then, in the message body, make the first line be just the two characters "::", and make the next line be "Encrypted: PGP" and make the next line be balnk. Here is my anonymous remailer's PGP public key: Anonymous Remailer - babani@cs.buffalo.edu -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.1 mQCNAitx/vQAAAEEAOUPjAfSeFmMsq7eWN47LzOwdSXmXoArMJOcBZ0bB3NRR3Nc BF7ZIIbY5m/b/rBn6+IimthV/aa39hKOSPPnFZn7kxIAUwoolMmxUUPJRzcRcTDK bsgLMCPfDuE8MWj0R960oaAFEE+yCCoDNiyPl6goN3XluVeie+ehVSuMvgdRAAUR tCpBbm9ueW1vdXMgUmVtYWlsZXIgPGJhYmFuaUBjcy5idWZmYWxvLmVkdT4= =BdRu -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----