-- On 16 Jul 2001, at 15:52, wrote: James A. Donald:
The black panthers were torn apart because they murdered dissidents
My point was the feds didn't have to murder anybody--play them off each other and they do it to themselves.
If they were the kind of people who could so easily be tempted to murder dissidents, perhaps the spooks had the right idea.
Still, if you read the documentation, COINTELPRO was quite a formidable program.
Perhaps. The FBI by its very nature tends to do bad things, and we have seen some bad things done by the FBI to people who post on this list. I took a look at a few web pages reporting COINTELPRO, and found them long on unspecified rumors about things happening to unspecified people at unspecified places and times, and very short on any concrete evidence concerning specific people to which specific things had happened, much resembling web pages reporting widespread use of slaves, or widespread alien abductions. Now obviously we know of some real world activities that correspond to COINTELPRO, notably the attack on Randy Weaver, but it seems to me that there is absolutely zero evidence that the authoritarian and self destructive actions of the radical left during the late sixties, the seventies, and the eighties were the result of evil CIA mind rays. If such evidence existed, it would have been prominently displayed on some of the web pages I encountered. I find it much more plausible that commies did bad things, things characteristic of commies, because they were bad people. I did a web search for KGB and COINTELPRO, to find a web page that mentioned bad conduct by all such agencies. I found no relevant hits, from which I conclude that of all the people so vitally concerned about the bad things done by the FBI in the sixties and seventies, not a one is at all concerned about the bad things done by the KGB in the sixties and seventies. Of course it is reasonable for people in the US to be more concerned about US spies that Soviet spies, since the US spies mostly on US people, and the Soviet Union spied mostly on russian people, but still, zero relevant hits? I find that a little odd. This gives me reason to doubt the sincerity, and therefore the truthfulness, of those reporting COINTELPRO --digsig James A. Donald 6YeGpsZR+nOTh/cGwvITnSR3TdzclVpR0+pr3YYQdkG CWUGSojScqdtb2OLwAmSDcwtXUw2BbiGQuFlO+64 4RIC9wK5YzoTa1WEOK1TCXmhoxiOg7zoB1ujHqbdZ