5000 people went through a 1000-degree meat grinder on 9/11 without an opportunity for any due process, and don't fucking forget it.
The ghost of Due Process hovers above the funeral pyre where her
entire sisterhood burned, drifting between the wafting billows of rancid smoke, and I ask myself: What is to be done? Target those who promised to protect us but decided that their careers, profits and politics came first. It isn't very hard to create a long list from newspaper clippings over the past month. Some of these are the same people looking for or receiving government handouts. Unless significant retribution is taken against them it sends the clear message that its OK to sell out your fellow citizens. Its clear none will ever stand trial as our political legal process almost never holds anyone responsible for what they don't do (even when its their sworn duty) only what they do. Unless many of these vermin switch cells with the, mostly, unfortunates held for victimless crimes nothing will ever change.