These are quotes from a mil news group where this is being discussed. "Thing is, many of the Army's sites offered a wealth of information, unclassified, and readily available in hardcopy, to anybody who wants it. To ease distribution and save millions in costs of distributing this material around the world, the Web cannot be beat, as even Hamre's directive emphasized for contracting and purchasing defense goods and educating its personnel. An West Point bozo fucked up royally by pissing an arc to show Hamre the combat guys know how to blow shit away big time -- the turkey was named in some news reports, a LtGen of Info Services -- and revelaed his prejudice toward loathsome civvy control and wily-hackered the whole damn system, "stupid jerk, fucking asshole, eat shit, fuck you," as my sqawk box mocks. Hamre will get hammered for overreacting, too, he's been whining about cyber threats for months now, when it's clear he doesn't know shit about such systems, like most of the wrinkled fucks running the natsec operation. They won't listen to the youngsters under their command, they just want to destroy something to prove their hardware prowess, being unable to wave their shriveled dicks now that they'll get cashiered for being inappropriately related to underlings. It will cost the military millions if not billions to return to a closed information system. And all those folks who were selling handy off the shelf stuff for ballooning mil siles aint gonna keep quiet -- unless they get sweetheart deals for 10 times cost for secret shit that aint worth shit to anybody except the lard asses always screaming for more protection for the Amercian people."