I believe this report refers to FBI guidelines being worked out with telecommunication carriers described in here: http://cryptome.org/fbi-flexguide2.htm Original date of compliance with these guidelines was September 24, 2001, but the FCC granted an extension to a time to be set for each service provider in consultation with the FBI. That FCC order is with the the file above. This should not diminish the fact that Stewart Baker is a lying son of a bitch about why his clients came to him, in accord with best legal ethics, and which has got him featured on the citizen wahoo watch list. Mitch Kapor, I dunno, he's not on the citizen list but maybe the TLA's wahoo list. Getting wahooed to gain entrance to inner circles is fun stuff until it dawns there's no exit from being watched very carefully for betrayal except by extreme wahoo. Baker is one of the messengers about this intended consequence. Oversight committees have learned to live with this official terrorism as Bruce recommends for all us based on his experience. Exception to the rule: Whit Diffie.