17 Dec
17 Dec
6:17 p.m.
At 01:18 AM 7/6/96 -0500, you wrote:
At 12:09 AM 7/6/96 -0500, snow@smoke.suba.com wrote:
On Fri, 5 Jul 1996, Erle Greer wrote:
Word-List Builder (this is not an ad) Unix, you can do, but the recursive subdirs aren't a prob for me. A final dream would be to convert it to VB4, use MS's WWW custom control, and unleash it as a spider.
If you send me the source, I'll give it a shot (port to vb4 with x-controls) ----------< fate favors the prepared mind >---------- Remo Pini Fon 1: +41 1 350 28 82 mailto:rp@rpini.com Fon 2: +41 1 465 31 90 http://www.rpini.com/remopini/ Fax: +41 1 350 28 84 --------< words are what reality is made of >--------