Erec ld tile dysfu djx nction (ED) or (male) impo xc tence is a sex bsz ual dysfun ai ction characterized by the inability to develop or main hly tain an erect jsa ion of the pe ya nis. There are various under vu lying causes, such as cardi tg ovascular leakage and diab sth etes, many of which are medi mr cally trea un table.
3 different tablets are currently avai kvw lable from the doc vhf tor and these work when there is se kr xual stimul by ation. Depe fna nding on the treatment, it will need to be taken 20 minutes to 1 hour before se xi x and the period of time over which it works can vary between 3 hours and up to 36 hours.
Via lf gra
Silde gty nafil 50/100mg
$1.42 Per P ia ill
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Tada pl lafil 10/20mg
$1.66 Per P gf ill
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Vard efm enafil 20mg
$1.72 Per P ogm ill
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Finas sb teride 1/5mg
$0.56 Per P anz ill
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Bical ees utamide 50mg
$4.76 Per P mny ill
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Tada cn lafil 20mg
$1.72 Per P ki ill
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Flut kci amide 250 ng mg
$2.33 Per P kcq ill
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Tams vi ulosin 0.2/0.4mg
$1.00 Per P hc ill
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Silde tna nafil 100mg
$2.12 Per P dsu ill
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Silde ux nafil 100mg
$3.44 Per P mi ill
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Ceph muc alexin 250/500/750mg
$0.81 Per P xt ill
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Via xba gra
Silden gk afil 50/100mg
$1.42 Per P qo ill
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