On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Bill Stewart wrote:
Well, to make the remailers more intelligent, have them count incoming mail from the list of remailers participating in the system. (either that or a rate) when one remailer seems to be sending much more mail than the others (which shouldn't happen if all remailers are randomly distributing the mail to each other) you automatically do the random forward to another remailer.
That's a way to guarantee that the remailers that aren't working get more of the traffic.....
So there's a few problems still, sheeeeeeshk. Actually, if you haven't heard anything from a remailer for a while, you'd probably drop it from your calculations. I'd also assume that the mailers participating in this random forwarding system were at least somewhat stable.. :-) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryan Anderson - <Pug Majere> "Who knows, even the horse might sing" Wayne State University - CULMA "May you live in interesting times.." randerso@ece.eng.wayne.edu Ohio = VYI of the USA PGP Fingerprint - 7E 8E C6 54 96 AC D9 57 E4 F8 AE 9C 10 7E 78 C9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------